Seeds of Satya – Spiritual Awakening | Energy Healing | Alternative Healing with Kari Rivers

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The Universal Seasons of Time

Just as there are seasons every year, there are cycles of time that exist within the universe. These Universal Seasons of Time are due to the movement of our galaxy within the cosmos, which is said to be moving in an infinity sign. When we look to the sacred significance of the infinity sign it is an ancient symbol of oneness with ourself and the universe. A symbol of balance, focus, harmony and peace. This sign was used as an ancient expression in temples all over the world as the ouroboros, a snake swallowing its tail. A sign to remember ourself, and to consume our ego, fears and the smallness of our mind that keeps us feeling we are separate from one another.

Want to hear of an incredible story of love and synchronicity of a dream, a tattoo and marriage? Stay tuned to the next musing.

This is the type of understanding that our ancient ancestors were fully immersed in, that is re-arising within the mass consciousness of Spiritual Awakening and has really blossomed in the last decade. This knowing resides within us, we had forgotten for a while, yet behind the curtains of this long drawn out drama there have always been lineages of light bearers who have held this sacred knowledge, passing it on to those who were willing to keep this knowledge preserved and fluid, knowing that when the time was right, all would flourish in these truths again.

There is a rhythm within the seasons, current and historical events, and your own personal soul experience. The cosmic orchestra effects the whole, for the divine drama is quit intelligent and systematic. As you awaken to the Universal Seasons of Time and the rhythm within your very cellular being, it becomes easier to connect with that pure consciousness within everything.

With this knowledge, hopefully it can help you to relax into the unfolding theatrics that rise and fall as we move through time, awakening further to our truth and magic.

Universal Seasons of Time

This explanation is through the eyes of the Ancient Vedic teachings of the Cosmic Ages used in the Vedic system for measuring universal time, which is cyclical.

SPRING——————TRETA YUGA, Silver Age: A Time of nonviolent religious sacrifice.

SUMMER—————SATYA YUGA, Golden Age: Complete Peace On Earth.

FALL———————--DWAPARA YUGA, Bronze Age: A time of Fear and Mistrust.

WINTER——————KALI YUGA, Dark Ages: The Age of Fear and Hypocrisy.

What Is Time like In each Of These Seasons?


In the Treta Yuga there is a splitting of classes , but it is not based on envy. It is seen as a way of organization and a way in which each are participants in society. They see their craft as an important gift to their community and world. The classes contain of intellectuals/Priest and Priestesses, administrators/rulers/warriors, merchants/farmers and workers/servants.

Ceremony is done for gods, God and the Supreme Being that exist within. Sacrifice is non-violent, such as fasting, all night prayer, etc. Every action is viewed as an act of love and giving, understanding the beauty of reciprocity within the seen and unseen realms of our existence.


The age of the Satya Yuga is the Garden of Eden. It is paradise on earth where everyone is embodied and living in their truth, love and wisdom. Meditation is a part of everyone’s life, which this inner harmony cultivates high frequency and awareness, where all are in balance with nature and the cosmos. It is a time of peace and plenty where everyone are aligned with the laws of the universe and are threaded throughout humanities societal and cultural organization. The world is known to be a manifestation or expression of Divine consciousness, and consciousness is within all matter. The masculine and feminine qualities of God and Goddess, Body and Spirit, Heaven and Earth are One.

Many are able to sustain with very little food which are living foods straight from the plant itself, or are breatharians which live purely from source, feeding from cosmic life force and light. It’s said that humans were able to live for up to 100,000 years.


The age of Dwapara Yuga is where people begin to leave the path of enlightenment and start to want more material pleasure, and thus kings begin to desire for wealth and power. This selfish greed leads into a spiral of control and manipulation, creating lack of trust and fear. Thus life expectancy begins to decline to around 1,000 years.


The age of the Kali Yuga is the Dark Ages is a time of War and hypocrisy. A time of Ignorance, greed and narcissism. Due to the corruption, fear, sadness and sickness is wide spread. The human life expectancy is at the most around 100 years.


As you can clearly see we are living in the Winter Season of Universal Time. One of the questions you may have is, How long are these years supposed to last?

Well here is a great Math project that I did with my children, that you can do too.


360 human days =1 day and night to God

1 year to God= 360 Human Years

And that the,





So in knowing the Divine Years, What are the Human Years in Each Yuga?

*(I will give the answers below, but I highly encourage you to have fun with this.)


These sacred truths, have been known throughout time. Event the Bible speaks of Divine time in comparison to human perception of time, such as the verse 2 Pet 3:8 says, “one day to the Lord is like a one thousand years.”. In the King James Bible is states, “But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” Other references speaks of this and says, “To him, (and I’ll add her) they are the same”.

As you can see there is a lot to contemplate within this entire Musing and you can dive so much deeper into the theories behind the Universe as well as the Vedic understanding of Universal Ages, but where I’m going with this Musing is to relax and rise into your true nature in these interesting times. Heal your shadow, live your life with passion, living your Source given gifts you are here for, and bring about the Satya Yuga within, which is your True Nature. Essentially enjoy the journey, learn the lessons and RISE UP!!!

*Answers to the Vedic Years
-> There are 4 ages on earth which keeps circulating:
Satya Yuga - 1.728 million years
Treta Yuga - 1.296 million years
Dwapara Yuga - 0.864 million years
Kali Yuga - 0.432 million years

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