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A Hidden treasure:The Gospel of mary

The stories of Mary Magdalena have been suffocated, twisted and contrived throughout world religions, yet for many she has always been seen as a legacy of the divine feminine, the counterpart and mystical equal of Jesus. In recent decades ancient hidden manuscripts have been brought forth into this cosmic time, messages of wisdom can now be heard and contemplated.

The Gospel of The Beloved Companion, translated by Jehanee De Quillan was originally written in Alexandrian Greek and translated into English. Found and kept safe as a buried treasure in Languedoc, France. Legend has it that Mary Magdalene landed in a small boat around 42 CE, along with a number of early Christians known as the Cathars, including a young, dark-skinned servant named Sarah, patron saint of the gypsies and often associated in the churches of France with the black Madonna statues. It is said that they had braved a dangerous passage from the Holy Land, without sails and oars, to spread Jesus’s teachings after his Crucifixion.

The Gospel of the Beloved Companion; known as the Complete Gospel of Mary Magdalene has been protected by families in France who have held this tradition and belief sacred, keeping it from the unpleasant hands of Orthodoxy. A history of condemnation that has caused a series of genocidal atrocities throughout European history known as the Albigensian Crusades in attempt to protect Christian Patriarchy from the divine feminine principle, which represents wisdom, compassion, and spiritual insight. This portrayal of Mary Magdalene as a the embodied sacred feminine and Beloved Companion of Christ challenges traditional Christian views of women and their role in religious leadership, placing the once severed mystical teachings of Christ in the fore front of sight, urging us seekers to seek within the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Manuscript flows with some of the Iconic Biblical passages of the New Testament, but goes much further in content.

In passages:

30:6 Yeshua said to a group of people in Ephraim in response to Phillipos who asked, “Tell us what the Kingdom is like”. And Yeshua said, “The kingdom is like a man who had a treasure hidden in his field but did not know it. And when he died, he left it to his son. The son did not find the treasure, nor did he use the field, but sold it on to his neighbor. The owner then desiring to make best use of the field, set to plowing the soil in preparation for planting a good crop, and struck the treasure. Have in not told you that the kingdom lies hidden within you?”

30:4 Then the disciple Salome, who gave a drink to Yeshua asked, “Rabbi, how shall I find my treasure?”.

30:5 Yeshua said to her, “If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the Kingdom. Only from the truth I tell you, unless you overcome the ruler of this world, you will never know the Spirit and Discover that which lies within you.”

30:6 And Yeshua said to them, “The Kingdom is like a mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds. but when it falls on prepared soil, it produces a large plant and becomes a shelter for all the birds of the sky.”

30:7 And Toma asked him, “Rabbi, when will this Kingdom come?” and Yeshua therefore answered him and said, “Only from the Truth I tell you, it will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, “Look here!” or “Look there!” rather, the Kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it.”

30:8 If your leaders say to you, “Look the Kingdom is in the sky. “Then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, “It is in the sea, then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is within you and it is outside you.”

30:9 Have I not already told you that when you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are Children of the Living Spirit? But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are poverty.

30:10 But, if you bring forth what is within you, what you have within you will save you. if you do not find that within you that is from the Spirit, what you do not find within you will be your death. There is light within a person of light, and it shines upon the whole world. If it does not shine, it is dark. This is truth I tell you. Be still and know that I AM. Those with ears, let them hear."

30:11 Then Levi whom some have called Mattithyahu therefore asked him, “Rabbi, how then shall we attain the Kingdom?”

30:12 And Yeshua answered him, “Only from the truth I tell you, unless you change and become as little children, you will not gain the Kingdom. When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male, nor the female be female, when you make eyes in the place of an eye, a hand in the place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, only then shall you gain the Kingdom.”

The manuscript leads you into a series of events that lead to the Crusifixtion of Christ, where then Mary sees her beloved risen from the dead.

40:6 Yeshua said to her, “Miryam, Do not hold to me, for I am not the flesh, yet neither am I one with the Spirit: but rather go to my disciples and tell them that you have seen me, so that all may know that my words are true and that any who should choose to believe them and keep to my commandments will follow me on their last day.”

Mary the Migdalah: artwork Sue Ellen Parkinson

41:1 At the end of that week, when all the disciples had gathered in the house at Bethany, the Migdalah came to them and told them what she had seen and what Yeshua had said.

41:3 Then the Migdalah stood up, greeted them all and raising her right hand, said to her Brethren, “Only from the Truth I tell you, do not week and do not grieve or be irresolute, for his grace and that of the One who sent him will be entirely with you and will protect you. But rather, let us praise his greatness, for he has prepared us and made us Truly Human.”

41:5 Shimon Kefa said to the Migdalah, “Sister, we know that he loved you more than any other among women, tell us the words of the Rabbi, which you remember, which you know and understand, but we do not, nor have we heard them.”

42: 1 The Migdalah answered and said, “What is hidden from you, I will proclaim to you” and she began to speak to them the words that Yeshua had given her.

42:2 “My Master, spoke thus to me. He said, “Miryam, blessed are you who came into being before coming into being, and whose eyes are set upon the kingdom, who from the beginning has understood and followed my teachings only from the Truth I tell you, there is a Great Tree within you that does not change, summer or winter, and its leaves do not fall. Whoever listens to my words and ascends to its crown will not taste death, but know the truth of the eternal life”

42:3 Then he showed me a vision in which I saw a great tree that seemed to reach unto the heavens, and as I saw these things, he said, “The roots of this tree are in the earth, which is your body. The trunk extends upward through the 5 regions of humanity to the crown, which is known as the Kingdom of the Spirit.

42:4 There are eight great boughs upon this tree and each bough bears its own fruit, which you must eat in all its fullness, as the fruit of the tree in the garden caused Adam and Chav’vah to fall into darkness, so this fruit will grant to you the light of the Spirit that is eternal life. Between each bough is a gate and a guardian who challenges the unworthy who try to pass.

42:5 The leaves at the bottom of the tree are thick and plentiful, so no light penetrates to illuminate the way, but fear not, for I AM the way and the light, and I tell youthat, as one ascends the tree, the leaves that block one from the light are fewer, so it is possible to see all more clearly. Those who seek to ascend must free themselves form the world, you will die in the darkness that is the root of the tree. But, if you free yourself, you will rise and reach the light that is the eternal life of the Spirit.

42:6 And as he said these things, I felt my soul ascend and saw the first great bough that bears the fruit of LOVE & COMPASSION, the foundation of all things, and I knew that before you can eat of the fruit & gain its nourishment, you must be free of all Judgment & Wrath. When you have freed yourself of these burdens, you may eat of the fruit and so gain the Love & Compassion that will allow you to pass the first of seven gaurdians, and I heard the voice of the Lord of Wrath calling to me, but I denied him and he had no part in me.

47:7 So I saw my soul ascend again and he showed me the second Great bough, weighed down with the fruit of WISDOM & UNDERSTANDING, and I saw the second great bough, weighed down with the fruit of wisdom and understanding. And I saw that before you can taste of its bounty, you must be free of all Ignorance & Intolerance, only then can you eat of the fruit and so pass upward unhindered through the second of the seven gates . And I heard the voice of Ignorance call me, but I knew him not. and so my soul did this did this unchallenged.

42:8 Then my master , showed me the third great bough, which bears the fruit of HONOR & HUMILITY. Only when free of all Duplicity & Arrogance may you partake of its nourishment. And Arrogance called to me saying, “You are not worthy, Go Back”. But my soul was deaf to him, and so moved onward and upward into increasing light.

42:9 And then there came the fourth bough, blossoming with the fruit of STRENGTH & COURAGE. And I heard him tell me that to eat of this fruit, you must have freed yourself from the weakness of the flesh and confronted and conquered the illusion of your fears. And the Master of the World stood before me and claimed me as his own, but I denied him and he had no part of me.

42:10 Only then, my Master told me, when you have rejected the Deceiver, can you pass through the hardest gate of all, to attain the fifth bough. The fruit of CLARITY & TRUTH. Only then will you know the clarity and truth of your soul, and knowing yourself for the first time, understand that You Are THE CHILD OF THE LIVING SPIRIT. And as my soul moved upward, I realized that I could no longer hear the voice of the world, as all have become silence.

42:11 Then the light above, I saw the sixth bough, the one that bore the fruit of POWER & HEALING. My Master told me that when you truly have eaten of the fruit of the CLARITY & TRUTH of Yourself, then could you partake of the fruit of Power & Healing, the Power to Heal Your Own Soul and thereby make it ready to ascend to the seventh bough, where it will be filled by the fruits of Light & Goodness.

42:12 And I saw my soul, Now Free of all darkness, ascend again to be filled with the Light & Goodness that is the Spirit. And I was filled with a fierce Joy as my Soul turned to fire and flew upwards in the flames from whence my Master, showed me the eighth and final bough, upon which burned the fruit of the Grace and Beauty of the Spirit.

42:13 And I felt my soul and all that I could see dissolve and vanish in a brilliant light, in a likeness unto the sun. And in the light, I beheld a woman of extraordinary beauty, clothed in garments of brilliant white. The figure extended its arms, and I felt my soul drawn into its embrace, and in that moment I was freed from the world, and I realized that the fetter of forgetfulness was temporary. From now on, I shall rest through the course of the time of the age of silence. And then, as if from a Great Distance, I heard the voice of my master tell me, “Maryam, whom I have called the Migdalah, now you have seen the ALL, and have known the Truth of Your self; the truth that Is I AM. Now you have come the Completion of Completions”, and thus the vision ended.

42:14 This is what my Master has told and shown me. And only from the Truth I tell you, That all that I have revealed to you is True.

42:15 When the Migdalah had told of all that Yeshua had said and done, she fell silent, since it was in that silence that Yeshua has spoken with her and revealed these truths.

There is much to contemplate and inquire into here. A beautiful synthesis of our inward and outward journey into Truth. If I could leave you with a few tips in your own experience it is to…

  1. Trust your journey.

  2. Surrender to your experience, and allow it to guide you into the Truth of what wants to be known.

  3. Make time daily to sit in the silence and invoke God, to hear the Truth of what wants to be known.

  4. Ask Spirit for what you need clarity and Truth around, and return to the silence, knowing that all your questions will be arrive in divine and perfect time.

  5. In every moment, learn to connect with the higher world of Truth, Love & Compassion, Wisdom &Understanding, Honor & Humility, Strength & Courage, Clarity & Truth, Power & Healing, knowing that You Are the Child of the Living Spirit.