Are you feeling the effects of the Cosmic Cycles?

As we are brought into the Path of Totality Eclipse that has been said to be written in ancient Babylonian texts, there can be major and minor pressures and polarization within, where we are magnetizing subconscious dissonances that are ready to be held and released. This is always occurring in subtle ways, however cosmic cycles like this are a BIG push that helps us to spiritually purge and awaken. To purify.

Whatever is arising within your dream world, thoughts or outer` manifestation...

Surrender, feel, breathe love into it.

Be like Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary who witnessed their beloved's suffering.

Witness your inner polarization, your inner and outer suffering.

Recognize it, and learn the powerful wisdom you hold within. The lessons that need to be owned.

This Solar Eclipse on April 8th passes through 2 towns called Nineveh which means Repentance.

The crossing from August 2017 passed through 7 towns called Salem which means Peace.

We cannot have peace within if we do not understand and process the burdens we carry.


What I have written above, cannot be understood unless we have an inner experience with the power of true repentance.

Repentance does not mean we have done something wrong persay. Nor is it just a declaration, it is a deep feeling process and undeniable inner experience and knowing that leads to true actionable change. As we travel our inner world, and get to know the energy of inner repentance we find various stories where we hold buried belief and judgement against ourself, that can came from very intense to the subtlest and most innocent thought and action, that is burdening our soul. Misunderstandings between others follow us. It is so true that we are far harder on ourself than we are anyone else.

Even someone who has held a huge judgement, jealousy can create energetic interferences that create distortion and hardships in our life. It’s so important that we keep check of our inner worlds, taking time to bring awareness, so insights can arise to bring more spacious freedom to our world.

It’s amazing the messy energy we carry around, that can be cleaned up with time, inquiry, simple presence and awareness.

I recently had the honor to assist a delightful being who has went through a really intense litigation. During our session, we discovered a dimension within her sub-consciousness that required deep presence, love and forgiveness. She had done nothing wrong in her soul experience. She was simply doing what was best for herself. In fact she was simply protecting herself, yet her higher self held guilt that they could not resolve in a healthy way, and his soul was angry. Through our inquiry process that led to deep love and ancestral healing, the next day there was a series of incredible events that resulted in her benefit, that ended this exhausting and exasperating struggle.

This is what inner healing looks like. This is what leads us to inner sight and wholeness. This is the Shamanic Way, the lower path of discovery and transmutation that leads us into the higher Mystic Path of living a life of inner trust and deep embodied knowing.

It has been said by many realized masters that we cannot claim enlightenment until we travel this path of understanding the roots of our suffering, our Sanskaric patterns that we were born into, which brings about true understanding, an inner knowing and peace within.

We live in an epoch of time, the Aquarian age where we are being ushered into a great cosmic purification of our bodies, minds and earth. Where we are moving from an independant consciousness to a collective group coherence. This Total Solar Eclipse is a major purification for the United States.


If you haven’t read my New Year’s writing 2024: A Calling Into Teamwork, which explains the Eclipse energy in more depth, I highly recommend. This is the same energy that occurred before the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment. It’s a detox, allowing a glimpse into our individual subconscious attachments, moving us into a massive shedding of the collective psyche.

The pattern of the two Total Paths create a huge X over the United States, a country that has been a primary influencer and leader in World economics. One would logically be led to feel quite dismayed in looking at things. I mean it’s a big black shadowed X being cosmically drawn on the US that began in the season of Fall in 2017 which stands for Peace, and the final draw is in the Spring of 2024 which stands for Repentance. We see this from tracing the path and the towns that intersect it multiple times.

Since the first eclipse in 2017, so many who were in denial of the Patriarchal inverted ways that use chaos to manipulate, have awakened to the deliberate service to self that override the people’s best interest. This unveiling is and will continue. We all know that when the darkness is revealed it creates friction and uncomfortableness, yet this also creates growth and expansion where we adopt new and beneficial ways. This eclipse is a big push into our innate power, presence and voices. Our purpose and individual paths that benefit our communities and collective consciousness.

Another massive growth for the Truth Seekers, healers, medicine women and men, the sacred music makers and the ancient remembering that is happening within each of us. It is a return of the Rainbow Warriors, which hold a deep reverence for both the Divine Mother & Father. The Highest One that we are apart of and are. The crystalline structures of the DNA are being re-awakened within the earth and body of mankind.

While there are many doomsdayers, I personally feel with all my heart and soul that this big X across the United States of the Total Eclipse Path is the turn of the ages where our narcissistic patriarchal leaders will in time slowly loose their strong hold they have had through inverted ways, upside down, inside out control, due to a continued awakened collective consciousness. The bifurcation of earth energies between those who are in service to other vs those who are in service to self will remain until those who refuse to do their inner work can no longer survive in such toxic ways. This means that those who are dedicated to the path must fully surrender, and allow themself to be moved into a greater light quotient.

As we I feel deeply that the true meaning of the Converging Path of Totality is…

“Follow the light within. Place your inner and outer sight upon the unified Divine Mother & Divine Father frequency, the light and sound within.” - Kari Rivers

A Cosmic Ushering in of the Divine Mother Essence, the Yin Frequency that represents and beckons us into the path of complete surrender to the Divine Will, inner knowing, compassion, love, intuition and creativity.

The Solar Eclipse is a big push for those who are open into higher frequency.

Just as Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene witnessed Jesus’s crucification, Mary Magdalene was the select one who first saw him in his Resurrected Light Body. For the Mother knows how to hold it all, she knows how to be a witness to all pain and suffering, and hold the infinite light of our eternal being. She knows that truth has to be reclaimed for peace to reign.

We have arrived once again back to the cosmic point where balance is meant to be remembered and restored on earth.

The Divine Mother is calling us to place her beside the Divine Father, enthroned in the hearts of all men and women.

If for some reason, this rubs you the wrong way, remember it’s okay to doubt what you have been taught to believe. Be curious and ask questions within. There is a difference between believing and experiencing which leads to inner understanding.


While the world focuses on the outer appearance of the eclipse, others hold to ancient Vedic and Chinese medicine beliefs that we we should hide away in our homes doing balancing practices, due to the flood of Yin energy that can imbalance our bodies. I feel deeply like the indigenous do, that this is an auspicious and sacred time to love deeply into the oneness that we are, and that which we came from. A time to merge with our prayer for all beings, earth, humanity and cosmos. They feel that this is the completion of a 3200 year cycle, a further empowerment for the Rainbow Tribe to carry the message of love, unity and peace. A time of deep inner stillness, so that the igniting energy of the sun and moon in union can restructure and activate our true being.

In 2017 we drove to Wyoming to be in the Eclipse Path. I set up an alter space and began with breath practices and movement to prepare my body for stillness. Before the eclipse I sat with eyes closed, and brought my awareness inward to higher subtle body. I was very aware of the when the eclipse began because my body began to vibrate, an escalation of energy that was quite intense, where my body shook intensely, as if the protons and electrons in my body were being activated. Please note that while this was my experience, it was not my families experience who were focused on the external happenings.

I recently heard a scientist sharing his research about what the eclipse energy does to the human body, and he said that the electrons were vibrating at a much higher frequency and speed.

The proton is the positive charge, and found in the nucleus, which is held together by the neutrons. Where the electrons exist around the protons with a negative charge. When electrons enters into an excited state, vibrating at a higher frequency. Once the electrons come into a grounded state, they release photons, which is light

It took my body a while to adjust, and once I began to hike down, my family and I found ourselves surrounded by hundreds of buffalo. It makes sense why they were drawn to the Path of Totality. They, like I, were chasing the light within.

So during this Eclipse energy, place high vibe as your priority. A day that is known to affect your coming year energetically. Think of the eclipse as an accelerator, a timeline jump for the next year. even longer. Thus, you might want to consider:

  1. Fasting to create inner calm. If you are used to fasting, I find my calmest place is within the second day of fasting.

  2. Vortex your water to structure the molecules by swirling in a container. Then pray into the water. Ingest with gratitude.

  3. Listen to inspiring music. Dance, Move, Laugh and Play.

  4. Walk barefoot soaking up all the free electrons from the earth that increases clarity and peace of mind.

  5. Meditate during the 2 hour eclipse period placing your inner and outer sight upon the unified Divine Mother & Father frequency. The light and sound within.

With Love,

Kari Rivers

Please know that I’m always here to guide anyone who feels the call. Energy moves easier when we come together.

As Jesus said, “When two or more gather, then there am I”. Here is a recent google review from a client.

Kari graciously offered her assistance with hypnotherapy and past life regression during a challenging time for me. I was amazed at how effortlessly I entered a hypnotic trance with her guidance. She skillfully delved into the depths of my soul, helping me uncover the answers I sought and piece together the puzzle of my past that was influencing my present. With grace and expertise, Kari facilitated profound healing and insight. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking understanding and a deeper sense of purpose with rapid results.
— -Shanti Volpe, Founder & Owner of Shanti Elixers | Asheville, NC
Kari Rivers

At Seeds of Satya you are guided into awakening your Truth and Magic through alchemical healing sessions, group workshops near Asheville North Carolina and at Sacred Earth Foundation near Denver, Colorado.


A Hidden treasure:The Gospel of mary
