Seeds of Satya – Spiritual Awakening | Energy Healing | Alternative Healing with Kari Rivers

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Welcome the Aquarian Age, The Age of Technological Advancement. We will see things only dreamt about in movies, and as much as that may or may not excite you, we are part of a global human experiment hosted by the Tech Industry and our Governments. With all the new technological advancements, there has been little done to assure safety and health of the people, in support of increasing the economy. What you don’t know will hurt you, and what you do know will improve your life and well being.

Luckily, a higher consciousness is multiplying. A New Humanity is arising, as Avatar Meher Baba wrote in 1938, from the travail of struggle and suffering New Humanity will not ignore science or it’s practical attainments. Scientific truths concerning the physical body and its life in the gross world can become a medium for the world to know itself: but to serve this purpose they must be properly fitted into the larger understanding. This includes a steady perception of true and lasting values. In the absence of such spiritual understanding, scientific truths and attainments are liable to be used for mutual destruction and for a life which will tend to strengthen the chains which bind the spirit. All-sided progress of humanity can be assured only if science and spirituality proceed hand in hand.


In April of 1973 the first call from a cell phone took place by chief engineer at Motorola by Martin Cooper, the inventor of the cell phone. Advances in technology have happened almost overnight, and here we are now carrying wireless computers in our pockets, working from computers in remote places, listening to music with wireless headphones, turning on household appliances from afar, and automobiles are now being installed with WiFi routers. The list of wireless electronics is growing by the day.

The electronic and wireless industry has grown rapidly and the possible health effects have been ignored, however the pattern of problems are becoming more and more visible. We as a human species are being experimented on, and many will deny the evidence, because we love our creature comforts and the access of ease we receive from these questionable “necessities” that put off considerable Electromagnetic Frequencies which emit radiation.

While there has been considerable research on radiation concerns that are emitted by wireless technology, there are many who dispute the research and say that it is harmless.


EMF, Electromagnetic Frequency surrounds us in countless natural & unnatural sources that release EMF radiation. The sun, stars and sky are all natural forms. All man made sources of EMF radiation include cell phones, computers, laptops, TV’s, hair dyers, microwaves, wireless headphones, smart watches, bluetooth speakers, hybrid/electric and new model gasoline cars: and the list goes on.

All levels of EMF fall within an electromagnetic spectrum emit two types of EMF radiation, Non-ionizing and Ionizing radiation. “What’s the difference?”, you may be asking.

Mid to Low EMF- Non-Ionizing Radiation…

Non-Ionizing energy is thought to be a mild and harmless type of radiation that comes from household appliances, cell-phones, computers and cars.

Non-ionizing energy at it’s lowest frequency comes from the natural earth and elements, which is very healing and beneficial to our human body, transmuting radiation effects from higher concentrations of EMF’s.

Just as there is a spectrum to Electromagnetic Frequency, there is a spectrum of belief within the scientific research as to if EMF exposure to Mid- Low EMF’s can cause damage to the human body and thus nature.

High Frequency EMF- Ionizing Radiation…

Ionizing is a very high frequency with short wavelengths that puts out a tremendous amount of energy, a very toxic radiation, that causes permanent damage to the body. It can break up atoms and molecules, damaging human cells and DNA, causing genetic mutation in short amounts of time. This occurs from the removal of an electron from an atom.

Examples of unnatural EMF technologies are medical devices such as CT Scans, X-rays, and UV tanning beds, and Nuclear bombs.

The military uses Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) which are concentrated electromagnetic energy to combat enemy forces and assets. These weapons are often invisible tactics. that use stealth millimeter wave and high power microwave weapons, as well as high energy lasers and other high power electromagnetic means: Depending on the wavelength, the directed energy can penetrate organ tissue and even metal.


Fifth Generation wireless technology known as 5G, provides faster wireless transmission, and includes a much higher millimeter radio wave frequency in comparison to previous 3G mobile phone technology. The newly installed 5G towers are telecommunications sites capable of transmitting "New Radio" signals for wide-area coverage, and contain a powerful and continuous stream of radiation.

During COVID, while the world was hiding away from another lab made pathogen, cell phone companies were working away at resurrecting these 5G towers and placing small cell antennas on buildings. This technology continues to have scientists and doctors all over the world protesting due to research that has proved it was unhealthy for humans and thus nature. Most politicians and other decision-makers using guidelines for reduced exposure to Wi-fi radiation seem to ignore the risks to human health and the environment when it comes to public health.

A group of scientists and doctors have created the 5G Appeal, a movement that questions the overall safety of this new technology that is being implemented in homes, schools, cars and businesses based off of decades of research, they say is being outright ignored. The 5G Appeal, which can be found at writes the following on its website.

”The 5G millimeter waves do not travel easily through buildings so 5G will require millions of new “small cell” antennas.

The wireless telecom industry intend to outfit nearly every lamp post or utility post around the countries with these wireless small cell antennas beaming hazardous radiation next to, or into our homes, schools, workingplaces and everywhere, 24/7.

5G radiation will be sent from advanced antennas, so called phased arrays,  that transmit the microwaves and/or millimeter waves in narrow bands, a technology originally developed for military purposes. This will massively increase the exposure to radiation in those beams, that will be nearly everywhere.

The massive increase of radiation is observed in a scientific paper published in 2017:

Our results show that 5G downlink Radio Frequency fields generate significantly higher power density (PD) and specific absorption rate (SAR) than a current cellular system.”…Thus, when a larger phased antenna is used or when a user moves closer to the antenna, the PD value becomes a major health concern which inevitably requires more research about health effects of 5G before it is deployed successfully by strictly following the Radio Frequency emission standards.”


I’ve always been extremely health conscious and proactive. I grew up eating my grandfathers home grown garden food, picking plums and playing outdoors. At 9 years of age, I found my passion for running and it has never left. In my 20’s I climbed, mountain biked, white water kayaked, and found my love for the practice of Yoga. After the birth of my first child, I had a Shamanic Illness, a horrible septic infection that western medicine could not tame, only the Divine Intervention of God healed me. However the month long continuous stream of IV antibiotics took its toll, Lyme Disease was my next initiation. This lab made parasite had Doctors perplexed and I had lost complete faith in their expertise. There was no other way but to follow my intuition that led me upon an adventure of “Healer Heal Thyself” for well over 8 years. Not an easy journey, but one that led me to deep trust and how to help others connect with their own wisdom and inner knowing. A worth while journey it was, and I thought things would get easier.

Six months pre-COVID we moved to NC, to live in the country from Denver, CO. We wanted a simple lifestyle, to live and work from home, and to walk our girls to school through the woods. Once we moved into our new home, we found out quickly that creating a safe home from EMF’s was important. When my husband hooked our home with a Wi-Fi router, I began having intense body itching, with weird shooting electrical sensations in my hands and body. Despite my husband’s skepticism, I immediately realized that it was the Wi-Fi. My husband solved the issue by running the Wi-Fi on a wall switch so we could use when absolutely needed, and then hardwired everything with ethernet cables so that we could use computers and phones in house. My symptoms disappeared after doing a lot of juicing, walking barefoot and digging in the dirt.

In Dec. 2020 we traded our 2008 Toyota Hybrid Hylander in for a 2021 Toyota RAV 4 Hybrid. It was my first new car. It was one of the “safest” cars in the industry with all the bells and whistles.

After a few months of driving my new car, that had a fun angelic sound of “Ah” when I put the car in reverse, I began to have unexplainable headaches, and brain fog. After 6 months, my mind was muddled and at times I found myself unable to make sense of what people were saying, and what words to use next. I began to have very uncomfortable menstrual cramps and abdominal pain and nausea. Did this have to do with my Emergency C-Section Scars? I went to a pelvic PT and she confirmed I had a lot of deep thick scar tissue. Her treatments provided relief from the headaches and brain fog for about a day or two. After months of treatments, I knew this was not sustainable. I realized that the culprit was inflammation. but what was the source of inflammation? I knew I needed to target that first, otherwise I was just fighting an uphill battle.

I decided to go to a Functional Medicine Dr. who verified via blood labs that my inflammation was indeed high, that my fasting blood glucose levels were high, and the calcium levels in my blood were high, showing that I was at high risk for cardiovascular disease. How was this possible? After I’d gotten over Lyme, I’d felt great. Was I relapsing? Why are my fasting blood glucose levels high? I do not eat processed sugars and very little sweets. I received that my mitochondria was not functioning right. That my ATP cycle was being thrown off. But why? I was not receiving anything. It felt I was totally blocked from a higher receiving. I prayed for answers, journeyed for answers, meditated for answers, and I received visions of connecting with the earth everyday was necessity. So my daily routine was to walk barefoot and lie upon the ground.

Fast forward to Fall of 2022 my car time increased significantly with my eldest daughter going to a Homeschool Co-op 4 days a week, 30 minutes away. My headaches and brain fog continued. My eyes began to itch and feel as if they were bulging out of my head. My vision was quickly depleting, reading became impossibly without reading glasses. I began having coughing spasms while drinking water and sometimes swallowing food, almost as if I were choking. Many days a week I would have to fight to stay awake at the wheel. I felt so tired, yet I could not sleep at night. I would wake up anywhere from 1am- 4am in the morning wide awake. I realized my body was hormonal deficient, and I began taking wild herbs for hormones, which helped support my body, but not enough.

I continued to do cleanses, fasting and exercising as much as I could with my low energy levels. I went to hot yoga, took cold showers, etc. I was doing all the things I’ve always done, yet nothing seemed to help, and the things I’d done for decades were stressing my body in ways it had not previously. Fasting was taxing my body in ways it never had in the previous decade. It was as if my body would spin into cycles of stress, a sympathetic response that overtaxed my adrenals.

In October, I had a vision of my Grandfather who had lived and worked in the “Atomic City” in Oak Ridge, TN during WW2 as a limo driver for high profile elites. After the war, he was asked to be a lab technician, little did he know for years they had him working with plutonium and uranium with his bear hands. In my vision, I could feel his grief for being affiliated with such an orchestration and the intense anger of abuse and betrayal he felt by the organization for knowing the devastating health effects, yet allowing him and his colleagues to work with such toxic substances without adequate protection. I felt his grief and began to flow with it as called. A great healing took place in this vision that took away my chronic nausea, the rest of my symptoms continued.

By mid December, after an 8 hour drive. I began to have massive hormonal disruption and signs of rapid aging. I had sudden skin collagen breakdown around my lips and chin, which was an outer sign that my reproductive area was struggling. Every morning I was waking up with noticeable change in my face. I increased the natural supplements to support my hormones, and began taking high quality collagen, aloe vera and silica, which slowly supported my body. Something was massively wrong. Why was my collagen depletion happening so rapidly? If I continued on like this, I will look like I’m 80 by the time I’m 50. Again I prayed, meditated and journeyed, hoping for an answer. It felt I was being attacked by an unseen dark force. I felt hopeless and blocked from the root cause.

My second round of labs showed that my protein was really low, and my digestive system was not able to process nutrients the way it should despite all the supplements and intervention. Epstein Barr Virus was active again, which meant my immune system was taxed. Why was I getting worse? I was so fatigued, and my vision continued to get worse, which indicated my liver was struggling and my body was congested with toxins.

At this point, I was having a REALLY hard time connecting to Source and receiving my next steps, because my physical and energetic body was so congested and colluded. This brought up so much fear and concern, far more than the health issues, bc it was my map and my guide. Without my intuition, I was lost. My doctor was helpful, but was not aware of the root cause, he was just doing what he could to treat the symptoms.

By April of 2023 I was driving in my car more than I ever had. My girls were playing on two different soccer teams, plus music, pottery and their co-ops. It was full on drive time, 3+ hours a day. Second week of April, my skin was tingling, my body felt electrified, and all of my organs and brain felt swollen and achey, even my heart hurt. My chest felt as if someone was sitting on top of me. I could not take a deep breathe and hold for very long in my pranayama practices.

Then one day after driving, I became so nauseated at the thought of getting in my car. It was suddenly clear that the source of my illness was my car. Somehow it all made sense. I told my husband we had to sell the car. He of course thought I was crazy, but supported me despite his beliefs.

I took a week off from driving and every day was an intense experience of my body trying to deal with the toxic radiation. One morning I woke up and it felt as if someone was burning me with a lighter in different places all over my body. Another morning I woke up and my heart was so achey and painful with electricity. I felt like my heart had an electric field that reached 10 feet outside of my body. I also had a hot electric heat that would move all about my body.


I wanted to prove to myself and my husband that my car was indeed the cause of my health issues. So I reached out to friends who might possibly have an EMF meter or know someone who did. The next day we had a new friend come over who had a top of the line EMF reader. He had worked in the Tech Industry in Palo Alto, CA and was very aware of the damage EMF can do. He had de-wired his new truck so that the dash no longer worked because it was putting out so much radiation.

He showed us that my car was indeed very high and toxic, which was far over the healthy reading of .1 or .2. It read as high as 5.0, and even tripled that when my cell phone was not in airplane mode, and escalated even higher when using cell phone apps and calling capabilities, and even higher when searching for a Cell Tower.

My husband’s shipping container office was even higher than my car, because he had so many electronics running on WiFi for his work, which made sense to his grey skin tone, declining health and energy. He used to never get sick, but in our 2 years of living in NC, he has had many bouts of illness.

Luckily our home was very healthy. We have lots of plants and had Wifi on a switch to turn on and off as we needed for calls, and always used ethernet cords with computers.

Now my husbands office is completely hard wired and free of WiFi, and we have made strict rules with our children that they cannot be on the computer without ethernet, and if they need to make a call they have to go outside. Our now 2019 Subaru Outback which tested very low, now also contains the same strict rules. All cell phones must be on airplane mode, thus if we want to listen to music or podcasts, or use maps, we download prior to the drive.


Everything in the entire universe is energy, a vibration that imparts and impacts information. The manifested dense energy you see has a measurable electrical pulse, however there is also subtle energy, that is not recognizable by the human eyes, yet has been recorded in research regarding the meridians of the human body and even the ley lines of the earth. The dense energy that creates our bodies and all matter consist of atoms. Atoms are the building blocks of all things on Earth, both living and non-living. All the components of a cell, such as the cell membrane, cytoplasm, DNA, mitochondria are made up of atoms.

Just like everything in the universe, our electrical body is made of atoms that consists of subatomic particles called protons (+charge), electrons (-charge) and neutrons (balanced charge). Of these, the electron is the smallest and spins around the nucleus of the atom held in place by an electrical force, creating an atomic shell for the nucleus of the cell.

Every cell is a battery and the mitochondria within a cell are the engines for creating electromagnetic energy for our body, and are also important in the formation of the subtle energetic pathways that flow throughout the human body creating a microcircuitry, known as meridians. Dr. Robert Becker spent years studying electrical currents that flow through the meridians in association with an animal’s ability to regenerate limbs, and found that the greater the current, the more complete the regeneration.

A body’s electromagnetic activity depends upon the movement of electrons from one atomic shell to another, which is called Ionization, due in part to the storing of calcium that initiates the release of neurotransmitters in the nerve cells and hormones in the endocrine glands. If this vital process is disturbed, an electron is forced upward and out of the entire cell, and the original neutral molecule becomes a positive ion. The physical body depends upon ions, which is the net electrical charge, to conduct messaging across its various systems.

In nature positive ions are produced during strong winds, dust storms, within high humidity and areas with air pollution. Printers, air-conditioning systems, fluorescent lights, cell phones, televisions, computers, toxic carpeting, upholstery, paint, air pollution, processed junk foods, stress, alcohol consumption and unclean water are all potent positive ion generators which create electrical imbalances in our bodies, and turn a healthy cell into a free radical. A free radical is defined as any molecular species capable of independent existence that contains an unpaired electron in an atomic orbital due to oxidative stress

Image from

Negative Ions have an opposite and healing effect upon the body. When we are in nature, we inhale and are saturated by negative ions that produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost energy.

Ionizing radiation is a form of energy that acts by removing electrons from atoms and molecules of materials that include air, water, and living tissue. Ionizing radiation can travel through objects and the human body.

Non-ionizing radiation heats substances rapidly, such as a microwave, but is said to not remove electrons from the atom. The CDC however says, We are exposed to low levels of non-ionizing radiation every day, however exposure to intense, direct amounts of non-ionizing radiation may result in damage to tissue due to a steady stream of concentrative heat.


There has been significant research that has been done on wireless technology and how it effects not only the human body, but our ecosystem. B.Blake Levitt wrote in a 2022 research study, “Contrary to popular opinion, we know a great deal about how non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) affect on non-human species because we have been using animal and plant models in research going back at least to the 1930's. Despite the research conclusion of the harmful effects, some scientist and tech companies deny the evidence due to economic benefit. So what does the research say?

Many species of flora and fauna, because of distinctive physiologies, have been found sensitive to low-level EMF exposures with numerous adverse effects, including and is not limited to defense, vitality, longevity, and survivorship. Bees have been found to be tremendously affected by EMF radiation up to 900mHz causing significant behavior change and cognitive impairment, which includes reduced locomotion activity, impaired homing and orientation abilities, fewer foraging flights and short-term memory loss.

In 2012 Sivani and Sudarsanam published a paper that states: “Based on current available literature, it is justified to conclude that RF-EMF radiation exposure can change neurotransmitter functions, blood-brain barrier, morphology, electrophysiology, cellular metabolism, calcium efflux, and gene and protein expression in certain types of cells even at lower intensities. The biological consequences of such changes remain unclear.”

Two schools in Saudi Arabia, in 2012 were chosen to study the exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic field radiation (RF-EMFR) generated by mobile phone base stations at frequency of 925 MHz, which at that time were only 4G cellular network, a far less Radio frequency wavelength than the present 5G towers . Both groups were found to have a high mean of HbA1c, however the school exposed to significantly higher radiation levels, 6 hours a day and 5 days a week had far higher levels. “It is concluded that exposure to high RF-EMFR generated by MPBS is associated with elevated levels of HbA1c and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

In 2022 a research study was done upon Healthcare workers who are surrounded by wireless technology and the results were undeniable biological change including protein damage, biochemical changes and oxidative stress.

I recently met with a group in Asheville, NC in concern for the projected Smart City rollout projection for 2043, and spoke with a man leading the world protest against many of the environmental challenges we face, who knows of many cases in which there have been cluster cases of Cancer within classrooms of children who had been exposed to Wi-Fi EMF radiation in classrooms. Research shows that EMF radiation from Wi-Fi devices causes DNA mutation, and free radical overproduction that leads to cancer.

Research with rats have found throughout the years that EMF’s cause a decrease in testosterone, sperm count, as well as cell death that lead to DNA mutation. This oxidative stress has not only shown to cause hormonal disruption but also shown to lead to to vascular calcification induced by low-level EMF radiation that contributes to dementia, heart disease and ectopic calcification.

Below you will find a long list of research studies I’ve included and there are plenty more to dig into, and show a direct link to the symptoms and lab results I had during my stint of being bombarded with high levels of non-ionizing EMF radiation from my 2021 Toyota Hybrid Rav 4.


When we took our Toyota Hybrid Rav 4 to the Toyota Dealership to sell, we were told my several people who worked there that my complaints of feeling ill from driving my car, was nothing new. They said that they have people trading their cars in all the time for the same reason. They also said, which was a supported claim by our friend from Palo Alto, is that all new cars, 2021 and beyond, now come with their own Wi-Fi Router inside. The automotive plan is that every car be it’s own transmitter of Wi-Fi.

When we went to a darshan at the Isha Institute, enlightened mystic and paradigm changer, Sadhguru, made jokes about the future of efficient self driving cars. He subtly and jokingly warned, “Keep your old cars”.

As we started to look for a new car with a healthy and low EMF, we found that all Hybrids and Electric cars, even gas engine over the year 2020 were very high in EMF due to the amount of computerization. The healthiest cars we found were older models less than 2020 and had a mix of analog and digital. We settled on a 2019 Subaru Outback due to the healthy EMF’s and reliability.


Recently, my eldest daughter who we have homeschooled for the past 2 years, decided she wanted to see what High School was like. She received a lottery drawn position at a local Charter Art School near our home. When I took her to shadow and see if it was a good fit, I took my EMF reader into the building. The office was extremely high. Very toxic levels.

After my daughter shadowed, she conveyed the high use of laptops and in classroom technology that was all on Wi-Fi. She said that some of the classrooms didn’t even have windows.

That night I wrote an email to the School Principle, IT and Office Manager, as well as the Board of Education for that Charter School with concern, evidence research and solutions to protect students and staff. After a month we finally received a reply that they go about state education standards. During that month, I found a plethora of information about cell towers being built right near schools and alarming outbreaks of Cancer cluster cases within certain schools. I also received.a phone call from a mother who watched a video I posted about the concerns of EMF toxicity and this mother stated that her daughter had a rare form of cancer that is caused by radiation, and that her daughter had attended the school my daughter was accepted into, and that at the time of her daughters diagnosis, another child in her classroom also received a diagnosis of Cancer, but she was unaware of the type.

After three emails to the Board, they finally responded two months after saying they are just following North Carolina Public School State standards. Hmm, okay. Public Servants just following “standards”. This is how dictatorships function, and how Hitler got away with fascism.


First step is recognition of ambient EMF as a novel form of pollution and develop rules at regulatory agencies that designate air as 'habitat' so EMF can be regulated like other pollutants.

The second step is to protect you and your family by getting an EMF meter and figure out where hot spots are. You will find it is where your Wifi router is and perhaps your car. As for home, remove Wifi meters from places you regularly hang out in and replace with Routers you can plug ethernet into your devices like in the old days. If you absolutely have to use Wifi, use outside, and if that is not possible use in short spurts and regularly grounding yourself by walking barefoot outside, digging in the dirt, etc.

As for cars, use a cord to connect to your screen maps on console, and stay away from bluetooth, as that is very high in EMF. Once you have your maps and music on, put your cell phone on airplane mode.

Know that when you are using cordless headphones you are plugging yourself into receiving radiation, just as you are when you place your phone up to your head when you are talking to someone. Check out the research and this video that shows just how high radiation is when you are near your phone and a cell tower.

If you are reading this and skeptical, please get an EMF meter and test for yourself.

As for business, schools and hotels, use your EMF meter and check the levels. If high, go to management and show them that they are putting you and your co-workers at risk, and the easy solution is to hard wire like we use to do. If they can’t hear that, look into turning in a Notice of Liability. These is a notice form to businesses and public servants holding them accountable for making significant decisions on our behalf.

Hotels now use very large modems that supply an entire floor of rooms that cannot ever be turned off. I have found levels as high as 16 at the head of the bed in a hotel in NYC. On the streets of NYC there were many places that went off the readable scale of my meter. Most areas of the city were well above 4mG, and anything over .1 is considered unhealthy.

When you are in a building or car with high EMF, open the windows to allow flow. EMF builds in stagnant space. You can find a scientific research wearable such as made by Airestech. For your phone you can use a Safe Sleeve Anti-radiation phone case.

As for body health, it is so important to drink clean water and eat a healthy whole foods diet. EMF places so much stress on the body we need a very alkaline diet to support the bondbardment our cells and DNA are subjected to. Spirulina, Aloe Juice, Juice of Fruits and Veggies are highly recommended for minerals and cell health. As well as taking a daily supplement of homeopathic 12 cell salts.

Clothing should be another consideration. Linen and Wool are high vibrational. When measured they both are 5000 mhertz, however if worn together they cancel one another out. This is why in the bible in Deuteronomy and Leviticus priest of the time were forbidden to wear linen and wool together.

Today clothing manufacturers are not even listing the combination of synthetic materials used, which are often rayon, nylon, polyester and acrylic, among other new blends that continually arise, which have a very low vibrational frequency of 10-15mh. This equates to the same frequency of pathogens that cause illness.


As we enter a new age of Technology, we must educate ourselves on the Science and Subtle body dynamics of Electromagnetic Energy.

It will take a while for people to understand that this technology comes with health risks and there needs to be standards, precautions and innovative ways to protect the people. At this present moment, I’m sure there are so many dealing with health issues, not even realizing it is due to high amounts of radiation from Wi-fi technology. But, until people begin to share, speak up about the risks and illnesses associated and demand protective action, the industry will continue onward in the current direction: and who knows when that will be.

It’s up to us to educate and protect ourselves.


Common Symptoms of EMF Toxicity

  • Headaches

  • Brain Fog

  • Memory Loss

  • Itchy Skin

  • Difficulty putting sentences together

  • Hormone Disruption

  • Fatigue

  • Sleep Disturbance

  • Electric Body Sensations

  • Unknown Anxiety

  • Unknown Allergies

  • Negative ruminating thoughts

  • Itchy Dry Eyes

  • Blurry Vision

  • Rapid Pre-mature aging

  • Weird Coughing Spasms

  • Heavy Chest with Difficulty to Deep Breathe

  • Joint Stiffness & Pain

  • Symptoms of body’s inability to process protein and fats

  • Electric Heat moving around in body

  • Burning sensations on skin

  • Liver pain and possibly other organs

  • Difficulty with wound healing

    Some things your labs would predict:

  • Oxidative Stress

  • Inflammation

  • Endocrine Imbalance

  • Vascular Calcification

  • DNA Mutation, Cancer

    Most doctors, and most people do not believe this is an issue because they have been told it’s not and they haven’t done their research. You must be an advocate for your own health and trust your intuition.

    To sum this all up, electricity is occurring within us and around us all the time. It is occurring every time our muscles move, our blood pumps, our lymph flows: when we think, eat and exercise. A reduced metabolism which can be caused by a myriad of reasons, from not eating healthy food, a sedentary lifestyle, exposure to a myriad of toxic substances that exist in our creature comfort world such as a foreign force of energy, ie EMF radiation, can create interference upon the mitochondria function and ATP exchange, minimizing activity on every level, decreasing the electrical and magnetic field of the body, thus making one more susceptible to disease, mood disorders and aging.


I know this is all overwhelming. Everyone I have spoken to about this has conveyed complete aversion or overwhelm, Saying, I simply can’t take anymore. We are bombarded on every level saying, “There is just too much to try and protect myself and my family from”.

We are being summoned to change.

Balance and Simplicity is the solution. As modernity and the exploration of technological advancement soars, we are simultaneously being beckoned to merge with ancient ancestral knowledge and to merge our selves into a deepening relationship with the intelligence of Earth and Great Spirit.

We are to meet the sun, moon, water, soil, fire, air, akash that exist within and all around us, as well as all that breaths and is unseen, with a deep curiosity and remembrance that all is Sacred. For it is the Simple and profound truths that bring us true happiness and solitude. Always giving gratitude to the great abundance we are given.

While everything has it’s pros and cons, there is a great role that advancement plays currently, and that is Communication across lands distant and far. Let us use it wisely and for the benefit of humanity so that Consciousness of Humanity Rises allowing peace, the Satya Yuga to reign again with our hearts.


  • Ethernet your living spaces.

  • Spend time in nature daily walking barefoot if possible, especially the day before, during and after new moons.

  • Before buying a new car, EMF test it to know what you are putting yourself into.

  • When driving in the car, download maps, music and podcasts. and put your phone on airplane mode. If you need to use the phone, place it far from you and open window.

  • When traveling, especially in high radiation smart cities such as NYC, open up hotel windows to allow current of 5G radiation to move out of space.

May health and happiness unfold you and yours,


Research Articles (there are plenty more out there)

1. Wireless technology is an environmental stressor requiring new understanding and approaches in health care

2. Wireless technologies, non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and children: Identifying and reducing health risks

3. Electromagnetic fields promote severe and unique vascular calcification in an animal model of ectopic calcification

4.  Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields cause DNA strand breaks in normal cells

5. Human‑made electromagnetic fields: Ion forced‑oscillation and voltage‑gated ion channel dysfunction, oxidative stress and DNA damage

6.  Effects of electromagnetic fields exposure on the antioxidant defense system

7. Association of Exposure to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Radiation (RF-EMFR) Generated by Mobile Phone Base Stations with Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

8.  A review on Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and the reproductive system

9.  The Effects of Electromagnetic Field on the Endocrine System in Children and Adolescents

10.  The effect of chronic exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on sleep quality, stress, depression and anxiety

11.  Autism-relevant social abnormalities in mice exposed perinatally to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields

12. Impact of Long-Term RF-EMF on Oxidative Stress and Neuroinflammation in Aging Brains of C57BL/6 Mice

13.  Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields-A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment

14.  Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure enhances inflammatory response and inhibits effect of antioxidant in RAW 264.7 cells

15.  The effects of exposure to electromagnetic field on rat myocardium

16. DNA damage from long-term occupational exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields among power plant workers

17. Effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on flora and fauna, Part 3. Exposure standards, public policy, laws, and future directions

18. Radiation from wireless technology elevates blood glucose and body temperature in 40-year-old type 1 diabetic male

19. Exposure to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Radiation (RF-EMFR) Generated by Mobile Phone Base Stations with Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

20. An Investigation into the Impact of 5G EMFs on a Honey Bee

21. Low-level EMF effects on wildlife and plants: What research tells us about an ecosystem approach

22. The biological effects of radiation-induced liver damage and its natural protective medicine

23. Dirty Electricity Elevates Blood Sugar Among Electrically Sensitive Diabetics and May Explain Brittle Diabetes

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