Seeds of Satya – Spiritual Awakening | Energy Healing | Alternative Healing with Kari Rivers

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As we walk the Labyrinth of Human Experience and the Universal Spiral of Existence, we must recognize that we are the voyagers of a New Earth. The midwives of the Aquarian Age who are being asked to engage in dynamic change. There is a great social experiment taking place, however the other side is that we are also being asked by higher dimensions that we merge and intersect ancient wisdom ways of living, learning how to counter balance the effects of things that have been out of balance for a growing amount of time that we all have been apart of. It’s time to blend the sustainable exoteric and esoteric wisdom traditions with the new advanced ways that will birth us into a new epoch. Thus, it is pivotal that we are dedicated to our personal inner revolution that simultaneously coincides with the outer steps we are to take that moves us into a greater collective coherence and earthly balance.

This journey we are on together to birth this Aquarian age is going to be interesting. A journey asking of us all to learn true patience, trust and a reverent diligence to growing beyond mainstream conscious, fully committed to interlacing our existence with true wisdom, seeing through the artificiality that wants to tempt and impinge us within its talons around every corner.

Here are a few themes to consider as we move into the New Year.


As we receive visions and seeds of inspiration of the changes we are to dedicate ourselves too, I’ve found it best to take time to have a humble exploration of what that means before we jump into action, simultaneously not all visions are meant to happen in the near future. Divine time is always at play, and when our will is merged with the Divine Will, the magic truly happens. So no matter how excited you feel about something, know that there is a building phase and right timing to everything.

I say this as someone who is intuitively expanded in sight, who has received countless downloads about all kinds of things, so much so it can be really taxing on my Nervous System for so many reasons. If these visions are in relation to something I personally need to move forward with, there can often be a feeling as if it needs to happen now. Yet I have learned, I must tend to the most important things in view, for there can only be so much done within a day, a year, a decade. I am constantly reminding myself that there are certain periods in my life that are most appropriate for that vision to manifest, and despite my attempt to make it happen, it will only happen in Divine Time. Some things will have to go in the freezer until that alignment knocks upon my door. A space in which the door is as eager to open, as I am to open it. There is a perfection within it all.

Luckily we are all in a supported space in the cosmos, because Astrologically, 2023 is said to be a year in which we will overcome our difficulties. All the goals and things that you have wanted to accomplish over the years, but felt as if someone was pulling you backward, will be supported by the stars for eventual success. If you aren’t for sure what your calling is, keep listening.


As Technology soars and more information is thrown at our feet, this can bring us into a greater imbalance and confusion, over taxing our nervous system, and when our NS is taxed, we are not as intuitively aware and able to receive, because there is just too much congestion. Choose wisely what you take in and spend time doing, remembering your mind is a computer. Educate yourself, but balance with heart and mind approach; making time everyday to be in silence and sit on the earth to balance the energy from technology with a grounded pure energy.

Sit in circle with friends and strangers. Reach into new groups to see from different perspectives. Do not stay locked into a certain way of thinking. Explore many facets of thinking to understand why others think the way they do.


Your body and consciousness is always shifting and coalescing. Nothing stays the same, even our spiritual philosophies expand and practices shift and change, IF we are true to our hearts and not hiding from uncomfortable truths, we find that what was once needed to keep balance, may not be what worked yesterday or a year ago. This is growth and expansion. When we truly learn and embody something, the full effects of a certain practice that we once received can tend to dissipate so new growth and discovery can occur.

Be gentle on yourself, as there will be times where you feel alone in the cosmos, unable to receive what your next steps are. Surrender to these moment and remember everything ebbs then flows. Sit on the earth and ground into the energy of wherever you are at in your conscious being, knowing it will shift in time. You may even begin to consider, “Whose thought is this?” or “Who is it that feels this way?”. There are countless unseen forces that influence us all in surprising and interesting ways.

Be Flexible, Flowing and Inquire into what is needed to move into higher spaces of higher vibe consciousness, questioning old patterns and ways of authority. There is always opportunity to grow beyond our teachers, but do not throw away all that they have taught.


We all have personal addictions and attachments that we are breaking whether that be a habit, person, place or thing. You know yours and I know mine. How are you dealing with them? Do you have a plan to unravel from them? Do you have a way to work with it and get deep into the understanding of the origin of creation?

What about those cultural addictions? These are massive in length and we all know where we are at. Some of the things to be aware of as Water issues rise and grocery shelves continue to show pockets of absence, what can you do to bring greater ease into your life, that also brings balance and healthier ways of living to the forefront?


Have you ever noticed how when you clean out your closet and get rid of things you feel better? Thus when your house is clean and orderly you feel more at peace? Counter to this, Have you noticed the things that pull you out of life, and create chaos? SIMPLIFICATION continues to resound.

Your thoughts, frustrations and every day affairs will point out to where your “papers are falling off the shelves”. Pay attention, process emotions, and take time everyday to deal with the details so they don’t pile up into bigger messes. Be pro-active, learning from the past and influencing the future. Don’t let things pile up whether that be mind, body and surroundings.

Simplify your life and Get REALLY Clear upon what it is you want to spend your time doing, observing what you actually are and how this feeds or distracts you from your purpose, goals and joy.


Relationship is our catalyst. It helps us to see ourselves and grow into the fullness of our being, seeing spaces in which we may be a bit controlling, co-dependent, selfish, dramatic, etc.

Be aware and feel every shifting moment of life’s adventure, and explore being vulnerable with those closest to you.

Get romantic and creative about life by pouring your love into every step and breath, every creation you are called to, everything you are committed to, and all that comes into your periphery asking for care.

Focus and do what makes you truly happy!

If drama finds you, inquire into the situation, act in integrity with firm boundaries. Fight the good fight, but do not waste energy upon needless chaos that some feed off of for their life force. It is inevitable that bridges will burn, but let them burn with as much love and integrity as possible, learning how to truly forgive (which sometimes takes prayers of assistance).


Spending time in the quiet of the Moon, the Rising and setting Sun is a reverent way to steep into the magic of the cycles of life and universe, as we move about our life and pay homage to that which lives within us and outside of us.

I personally have found a sweet introspective flow with the moon. This really helps me to see deeper into my subconscious and get clearer upon the rhythms of my mind and body. what I need to focus upon in my personal process led my dreams, intentions and visions.

As for the Sun, consider waking before Sunrise, allowing yourself to steep into the shifting light without any kind of interference from wi-fi and artificial light. Allow your heart to guide you into movement, breathe and stillness. So much magic happens in these early morning spaces. Then at Sunset, sit upon the earth and watch the Sun fall into the horizon, allowing the last rays to touch your mind, body and soul.

These simple practices really center me, and possibly they will you too.


Here are some questions to help us get really centered into the year of 2023.

  1. What goals are most important to me right now? What visions, passions and goals do I need to put in the freezer, and pull out when the time is ready?

  2. What truly benefits and nourishes me when it comes to news, information and social platforms? What distracts me and keeps me from productivity and true presence with life?

  3. What Spiritual Practices no longer have the same effect they once did? What am I being called to explore, embody and understand presently?

  4. What addictions and attachments no longer serve me? What implementations and things am I being called to focus upon that will create more ease in an unknown very quickly shifting world? What areas of my life can I simplify and make my existence less complicated and stressful?

  5. What does it mean to me to “live fully”for me, putting aside what societal ideology? What does life look like and feel like if I am to “live fully” my way?

Sending you visions of health, happiness, high vibes and even higher vistas this 2023!

Truly ,

Kari Rivers