Seeds of Satya – Spiritual Awakening | Energy Healing | Alternative Healing with Kari Rivers

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Clients sometimes come to me hoping that I can wave a magic wand and all their suffering will dissipate, and while there is so much beauty, realization and healing that happens in our sessions together, I always remind them that integrating our entire being from our storied past , takes patience.  For there are so many realizations along the way, and each step of realization requires time to integrate, practice and embody.

So this brings me to a current story line of the death of Eliza Fletcher and my own storied past, which is a perfect example of what integration looks like when we are aware and devoted to becoming fully human, unifying the head and heart within all levels of our consciousness.

This is what integration looks like

Tuesday my eldest daughter went on a run before dark. We told her to be back before dark, but she was 20 min late. 

I could feel my anxiety rising from root to heart and my body felt tight, my breathe labored. I began to breathe deeply into my belly, breathing love with visions for her safe return. As I began to intuitively check up on her, I could sense she was safe, but a bit confused as to her forested path. Thirty minutes late, she soon returned to declare that she had gotten lost in the dark.

The next morning I went on FB and saw the posts about #ElizaFletcher. I questioned whether to write and share, and began to examine my beliefs and reasons for doing so and not doing so.  I decided to share the story of me running in the early morning hours during college, of a man who had been tracking my alternating runs for days, if not weeks. In gratitude to Great Spirits grace, my strong sixth sense, intuition, quick response and basketball peripheral vision, I was safe. I never ran in the dark alone again, and the beauty of it all was my deep love for trail running was set ablaze. Thanks to my training in Depth Hypnosis, I was able to heal my PTSD that was triggered by the sound of cars driving up behind me.

I had not thought about this experience in a very long time. It’s been years, if not a decade. For I have moved past the triggers of PTSD, and the story feels far off in the distance, like another lifetime. But as I wrote the post, I could feel that same anxiety from the night before. An anxiety I thought I’d  fully integrated, but this experience was showing me that there was another layer I needed to once again surrender into, and simply be with and nurture.

This is what integration looks like.

Life naturally shows us the places we have yet to fully integrate all the layers. All the places we need to love deeper into, with great courage, compassion, forgiveness and love. 

Rather than…

reaching for a glass of wine or something external to take the edge off, which does not truly serve us, but stuffs the discomfort, there are many techniques we can use to dismantle and love into the anxiety.


Be fully present with the uncomfortableness. Bringing your awareness into the resistant energy, the cringes within. Feel the yuck.


Taking a long deep breathe and and an even longer exhale turns on our parasympathetic NS, and draws life force energy back into stuck energy.


I’ve found singing to be such a powerful mechanisms to shift vibrations and frequency. So sit still and notice what sound wants to come out. Get curious. Maybe it’s a grunt or a sigh, and move into a vowel sound. See what feels best. Move your body as you sound. Movement allows for energy flow.


Once your body has come into a state of ease. Inquire into the energy, ask what am I not seeing that needs to be known? What needs to be remembered once again?

As I surrendered into the stillness, I heard…

My body eased into deep peace and surrender. Another layer loved into. Another aspect of truth embraced and integrated.

Please feel free to share your experiences with this and what divine wisdoms you discovered as you surrendered into your storied past to transmute and rise higher.

