Seeds of Satya – Spiritual Awakening | Energy Healing | Alternative Healing with Kari Rivers

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Reframe Roe Vs Wade

The world has been turned upside down and inside out for some time now. So many juxtapositions.

As Roe Vs Wade is dismantled from government and brought to the decisions of the states, it is stirring up so much for women. Again bringing up the concept and question of body autonomy.

Personally, I feel every human being should have a choice as to what they want to do with their body. Vaccinations included.

Thus, When it comes to abortion, Every woman should have a choice.

Wherever you are in your beliefs about abortion, I ask that you take a moment to contemplate... what if these restrictions are an opportunity to expand beyond our current concept of reality?

Maya creates experiences of constriction with intention and hope of expanding us into a new and beneficial way of thinking and being. But dependent on one's level of consciousness, one may stay stuck in old outdated ways of thinking, until they eventually move beyond old impressions. And that could be another life time all together. However, presently things are moving at a record speed in relation to individual and collective Spiritual Awakening and Consciousness.

Which is why we are seeing so much crazy interesting contrasts. It’s meant to trigger us, and if we don’t know how to work with our triggers, which is a powerful agent to heal and recognize our buried grievances, then we will stay locked into anxiety and despair, which is a very potent weapon of control.

Let all the triggers of the world and patriarch in. There are potent mirrors here for our benefit, for our transcendence, for our ascension.

See them as a gift to finally feel your frustration, anger, sadness grief and shame.

Sit still and Be with it ALL. Tend to it. Breathe into it.

Nurture all the places within you that our ancestors did not know how to be with.

Turn off and say no to all distraction and everything that numbs.

Mother all the stuck and hidden places within through simple powerful awareness.

So much is begging to be known.

This is how we heal.

Full presence, surrender, fierce compassion and love, is the energy of true empowerment.

An openness and vulnerability to Feel and be with all the YUCK, opens you to feel all of the YUM.

Lick your wounds, and rise.


When it comes to choosing the act of abortion, every woman eventually realizes that it comes with a great grief, sadness and shame.

If any kind of grief or grievance is not dealt with in current lifetime, eventually in the soul's evolution and involution process it will have to be loved into, processed and forgiven.

If a woman desires abortion, and it is not available to her, she will DO ANYTHING to make it happen.

True Life Examples:

I was working in a clinic on the Burmese border, and a young Burmese girl came in bleeding profusely. She was raped & decided to abort in the forest with a stick.

In working in the hospital in the US, I witnessed a few were using abortion as birth control. One patient had her 15th abortion when I compassionately asked her to feel into the weight of her decisions. She was oblivious. I helped her process an empowering way to move forward in her sexual relations.

In my healing practice the majority of my clients are women. Most have had at least 1 abortion. Not one person regretted their choice per-say, because it happened at a time that jeopardized their education, they would be alone in their process, or they feared family and societal rejection .

BUT regardless, when we feel into the energy of it all, there is always a deep grief that the soul calls us into to heal and forgive one's self, and the soul of that being is always palpable and present.


As human beings whether female or male, when it comes to sexuality, we have to begin learning and teaching Sacred Sexuality, because let’s face it being told it’s wrong before marriage does not work. Society and youth are being indoctrinated into a sexual world through pornagraphy, confusion of identity through labeling, polyamory and the list goes on.

We have to get down to basics in understanding energy.

✧ It is in our best interest to inquire into and experience what energetically happens when we share our bodies and being with another human being, so that we can teach our children, our future.

✧ It is in our best interest to experience the energetic implications of pornography, sexual desire, and sexual acts so that we can teach our children, our future.

✧ It is in our best interest to understand that sexuality is a sacred act, and that sexual energy is a potent life force energy that we need to learn how to use in beneficial sacred ways so that we can teach our children, our future.

✧ It is in our best interest to know how powerful we are, and learn to access our intuitive nature, learning how to communicate and receive from the unseen realms of our existence. So that we can teach our children, and our future.

Whether abortion is legal or not, we have a choice, a very important role when it comes to pregnancy and abortion.

WE have the ability to communicate with the souls of those we are inviting in to our lives to be our children, AND we have an ability to communicate with the souls who have chosen to come in at a time that was unexpected and difficult, giving that soul the choice to choose a better situation.

We always have a choice.

May we arise to higher altitudes of knowing and being in relationship with the seen and unseen realms of our existence.

Infinite Love,

Kari Rivers

Kari Rivers, Spiritual Counselor, Depth Hypnosis Practitioner & Sound Healer works virtually worldwide and in person in Asheville NC

* MOMMAS of wombs, hearts and/or hands, if you are intrigued by anything I'm saying here. I will eventually be announcing an offer that will help you experience all and so much more of what I'm speaking of.