Seeds of Satya – Spiritual Awakening | Energy Healing | Alternative Healing with Kari Rivers

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Our Birth In Unity, 2/22/22

Have you been feeling a peaceful unified field of Love?

Are you being taken into new experiences that are igniting your soul’s unique purpose?

Have you been feeling a stirring within your soul to vision something new and beneficial for the planet?

Have you been feeling a call to really step into your truth, your beauty and Source given gifts?

Are suddenly all the stories, seeds and visions you have received throughout your life beginning to make sense?

Are you feeling a jolt to step out in a new way, to dream bigger and more bolder? A dream that benefits the earth, humanity and future generations?

You are being pulled into the Portal of Unity.

Auspicious Alignment

There are auspicious alignments in the cosmos that create synchronistic magic, or can create chaos and constriction that holds great potential for realignment and change. It’s a part of life here in this earth school, and as you sink deeper into your inner reality you see that there is an order and a supportive guiding energy to it all.

Within my spiritual journey and in guiding others for over 11 years at Seeds of Satya, there has been an undeniable force of nature that has exponentially catapulted the world into Spiritual Awakening since 11/11/11, leading up to a portal for Unity Consciousness on 2/22/22. From all that I have received within and have personally experienced, 11/11/11 was a powerful activation and calling forth to more souls who aligned with the Rainbow Prophecy to rise up and move through fears. Those who received this cosmic frequency at that time were called to help awaken others, and pass that frequency forward to continue the powerful tides of Spiritual Awakening in these potent times, to be Spiritual Guides and ground the earth’s energy into higher frequencies through intense times of purging karmic rifts that would further awaken the masses to their power and truth.

The auspicious astrology leading up to 2/22/22, Pluto Return has been another portal of support and love to anchor into the deepest peace within the quantum field that holds an infinite number of degrees of freedom, continuing into more karmic purging of our past that is urging us to find a new improved way. This portal is a further push toward the energy of Unification within, simultaneously a calling to bring our planetary visions and our Source given gifts forward to create the New Earth we each know is possible.

Our role is to remember that unity can only happen within each one of us, before it can happen without, and that journey begins when we arise above our fears and learn the powerful lessons of our soul’s journey, anchoring into our inner peace, cultivating it with each thought, breathe and experience. As we do, we become more alive and relaxed to receive greater amplification of our true divine inheritance.


I invite you to take time and reflect on this powerful esoteric prayer that holds the truth of the shamanic path that is the profound truth of Jesus’s teachings that are the foundation of all religions but have been lost in patriarchal times. I have used this prayer as a means of exploration for the past two years in an online virtual meditation I’ve hosted called Our Birth In Unity.

Please consider also listening and sharing the “River Is Flowing” Heart song for Humanity, as it holds light codes of frequency for Unity Consciousness, the unified field of Love, within/without, above/below, God/Goddess, Earth/Heaven, Soul/Spirit, Microcosm/Macrocosm. The Unity Consciousness that we are one, with everything, with all seen and unseen.

The Lord’s Prayer 

Prayer of the Cosmos: Translation from Aramaic by Neil- Douglas Klotz’s

I. Our Birth In Unity

O’Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos, you create all that moves in light. 

O’Thou! The Breathing Life of All. Creator of the Shimmering Sound that touches us. 

Respiration of all worlds, we hear you breathing in and out of silence. 

Source of Sound in the roar and the whisper, in the breeze and whirlwind we hear your name. 

Radiant One, You shine within us, outside us-even darkness shines-when we remember. 

Name of names, our small identity unravels in you, you give it back as a lesson. 

Wordless action, Silent potency where ears and eyes awaken, there heaven comes.

O’Birther! Father- Mother of the Cosmos! 

II. Clearing Space for the Name to Live

Focus your light within us-make it useful as the rays of a beacon show the way. 

Help us breathe one holy breath feeling only you- this creates a shrine inside in wholeness. 

Help us let go, clear the space inside of busy forgetfulness: so the name comes alive. 

Your name, your sound can move us if we tune our hearts as instruments for its tone. 

Hear the one sound that created all others, in this way the name is hallowed in Silence. 

In Peace the name resides: a “room of one’s own”, a holiday of holies open, given light to all. 

III. The Creative Fire

Create your reign of unity now-through our fiery hearts and willing hands. 

Let you counsel rule our lives, learning our intention for co-creation. 

Unite our “I can” to yours, so that we walk as kings and queens with every creature. 

Desire with and through us the rule of Universal fruitfulness on the earth. 

Your rule springs into existence as our arms reach out to embrace all creation. 

Come into the bedroom of our hearts, prepare us for the marriage of power and beauty. 

From this divine union, let us birth new images for a new world of peace. 

Create your reign of Unity Now! 

IV. Heaven Comes To Earth

Your one desire then acts with ours, as in all light, so in all forms. 

Let all wills move together in your vortex, as stars and planets swirl through the skies. 

Help us love beyond our ideals and sprout acts of compassion for all creatures. 

As we find your love in ours, let heaven and nature form a new creation. 

Unite the crowd within in a vision of passionate purpose:light mates with form.

Create in me a divine cooperation-from many selves one voice-once action. 

Let your hearts fervent desire unite heaven and earth through harmony. 

Your one desire then acts with ours, as in all light, so in all forms. 

V. The Blessings of Earthiness; The Next Step

Grant that we need each day in bread and insight: subsistence for the call of growing life. 

Give us the food we need to grow through each new day, through each illumination of life’s needs. 

Let the measure fo our need be earthiness: give all things, simple, verdant, passionate. 

Produce in us, for us, the possible: each only-human step toward home lit up. 

Help us full fill what lies within the circle of our lives: each day we ask no more, no less. 

Animate the earth within us: we then feel the Wisdom underneath supporting all. 

Generate through us the bread of life, we hold only what is asked to feed the next mouth. 

Grant what we need in bread and insight. 

VI. Letting Go, Heartbeat by Heartbeat

Loose the cords of mistakes binding us, as we release the strands we hold of other’s guilt. 

Forgive our hidden past, the secret shames, as we consistently forgive what others hide. 

Lighten our load of secret debts as we relieve others of their need to repay. 

Erase the inner marks, our failures made just, as we scrub our hearts of others faults. 

Absorb our frustrated hopes and dreams, as we embrace those of others emptiness. 

Untangle the knots within so that we can mend our hearts simple ties to others. 

Compost our inner, stolen fruit as we forgive others the spoils of their trespassing. 

Loose the cords of mistakes binding us, as we release the strands we hold of others guilt. 

Vll.  Remembrance: The Birth of New Creation and Liberty. 

Don’t let surface things delude us. But free us from what holds us back (from our true purpose). 

Don’t let us enter forgetfulness, the temptation of false appearances. 

(To the fraud of inner vaccillation-like a flag tossed in the wind alert us.)

But break the hold of unripeness, the inner stagnation that prevents good fruit. 

(From the evil of injustice-the green fruit and the rotten-grant us liberty.) 

Decieved neither by the outer nor the inner-free us to walk the path with joy.  

Keep us from hoarding false wealth, and from inner shame of help not given in time. 

Don’t let surface things delude us, but free us from what holds us back. 

VIII.  A Celebration of Cosmic Renewal

From you is born all ruling will, the power and life to do, the song that beautifies all-from age to age it renews. 

To you belongs each fertile function: ideals, energy, glorious harmony-during every cosmic cycle. 

Out of you, the queen and kingship- ruling principle “I can” of the cosmos. 

Our of you, the vital force producing and sustaining all life every virtue…

Our of you the astonishing fire, the birthing glory, returning light and sound to the cosmos…

Again and again, from each universal gathering- of creatures, nations, planets, time and space- to the next .

Truly- power to these statements- may they be the ground from which my actions grow: sealed in trust and faith. 

Thank you for listening and sharing this important call to Humanity. As you feel into this experience, I sincerely ask that you hold the vision of Unity within your own being and within all of humanity. Thank you for being A Rainbow Warrior.

May we be ravished in Luminous Truth & Infinite Love!


Kari Rivers

Kari Rivers, Spiritual Counselor & Depth Hypnosis Practitioner has been guiding others into the truth and magic of their multidimensional self for over 11 years at Seeds of Satya.

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