The Global Curriculum for 2022

Life is truly fascinating isn’t it? If you’ve ever done a biography session with me, you are very aware of how your entire life experience is speaking and guiding each of us as to what we are individually and collectively here to shift and recalibrate within us, which naturally affects our relationships and outer world in the seen and unseen realms. With this knowledge, we understand that the past is a part of us, and it is affecting our present, and until we learn the lessons of the past we will continue to repeat it. Thus, our duty is to learn how to reflect upon the past, learn from it, and move powerfully and intentionally into each and every moment with love, forgiveness, intention, intuition and clear boundaries for ourselves and others, moving into a new story that reflects our integrated soul with Spirit.

Entering the Portals Of A New Year, Decade & Year, which I wrote in 2021 is still a very relevant theme for what we should expect in 2022. As many of us witnessed, last year was a wake up call for so many to see through the manipulation and control tactics that have been used for eons by our global structures. While blinds remain over many eyes, despite the visible signs of unfairness, harm and suffering. we must remember that it is hard for so many to look at the unconscious around us, much less within us. However, as we begin to travel within and work with all of our soul story hidden within our own subconscious, it becomes easier stand in the fires, calculate and intuit the truth of the matter, and understand the role we play within the chaos and the gifts we are here to give.


  • There are universal seasons of time, just as there are yearly cycles of seasons.

  • We are in the universal season of Winter, The Dark Ages.

  • Our souls have been on a long strange trip for eons of time.

  • We all have played many roles in this divine theater.

  • There are many collective and personal parallel timelines colliding from our past. We are here to do differently than we have before.

  • When the light consciousness rises, the dark unconscious rises to meet it until it can no longer persist.

  • The constrictive and difficult moments serve to birth us into a new place of being. If we know we need to make changes in our life, but we stay complacent, life will eventually force us to wake up to that which we are resisting. We all are given at point in time a good shake of hardship that awakens us to take action.

  • Be Patient. Life guides us in perfect time to the steps we are here to take.

  • We all get lost in the tendrils of suffering at some point in time in varying degree. Be with your suffering, but do not make a home of it. Explore it, get to know what it has to teach.

  • Practice becoming the Siddha who is guided into action through intuitive guidance, trusting in the flow, magnetizing what is needed.

“Life’s fulfillment finds constant contradictions in it’s path: but those are necessary for the sake of its advance. The stream is saved from the sluggishness of its current by the perpetual opposition of the soil through which it must cut its way. It is the soil which forms its banks.

The Spirit of fight belongs to the genius of Life.”
— Rabindranath Tagore


Every Year I set aside quiet time to reflect upon the past year and what is to come for the upcoming year, both personally and collectively. What I received was that things are going to get a lot more intense collectively, with purpose to wake us up further to our individual purpose and collective truth, and along the way there will be powerful astrological portals opening us to greater healing and therefore ease in our personal roles and the overall unifying agenda.

As we all know so many have been affected by Vaccine Mandates, Isolation and Business Shut downs. Homeless has risen, while rent is sky rocking, while so many are loosing homes to earth events. Meanwhile countless are loosing their jobs as they stand up for health freedom, censored from sharing about natural healing remedies for COVID.

Many of my clients this past year were nurses, therapist and doctors, who did not agree with the manipulation and control tactics being used in hospitals. They no longer wanted to be a part of the Corporate Medical System that they felt, and I agree with as a past nurse of 14 years, is not about true healing. For many of my clients this past year, their healing process was about looking at their fears, anger of manipulation and control, and what their next steps were in not only securing a new way of supporting themselves and their families, but what ignited their heart, and that which was truly needed in the world. This is what so many are facing right now. We are facing a great Global Reset that will challenge us into a paradigm of unity, or plunder us into an abyss of dependency upon an outdated system built upon fear, co-dependancy and divisiveness.

Face it, we aren’t going back to normal. We have to find a way to usher in the world we desire to see, and it takes each of us to do our personal inner work, and unearth our gifts that we are here to bring to the world, creating a new world built upon unity, healthy living and sustainability for all. So begin to envision what it is you personally want to see in the world, and what kind of a role do you wish to play.


Make your vision a fun exploration with friends and family. Ask the question to your co-hearts, “If you had unlimited resources and the most awesome collaborative team to support you, “What would you want to create to bring about the New Earth of Unity and Love?”

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth.
— Revelations 20-22


Note: 2021’s musing, still applies….


What is it that brings you the most Joy?

Our joy works in the seen and unseen realms. It ignites and nourishes the pranic field, seeping into the soil, the water, the air, and into our hearts, and the hearts of others. Our joy inspires, counteracts and neutralizes the lower vibes we all find ourselves at times. We are here to learn from and move through with embodied conscious awareness which brings us into even greater experiences of Joy.

Let your joy be an offering, a gift, your service to you and the world.


Find and communicate your gratitude to the universe for every small gift, even the hardships that arise to squeeze and push us into our power and wisdom.

Let your gratitude by an inner communication as well as an outward expression.


Community is essential for a sustainable future. We must support our local economies, and the more we support others around us, the more we will be supported by them.


As we enter another year of the early Aquarian Age, year 2022, it is so important to establish healthy habits that nurture our vitality. With the arrival of global 5G, our bodies will experience a new kind of frequency. Processed foods, a sedentary lifestyle and geopathic stressors affect our bodies and minds, thus healthy habits will become of even greater importance to living a long healthy life.

Create time every day to ground into earth, bask in the sun, feel the air, drink water drenched in your prayers, move your body, breathe deep, and quiet the mind.

Self inquire and learn to listen deeper, finding the nuggets of truth awaiting to be dusted off and planted within your heart, dying everyday to the beauty and difficulty.

Eat whole live foods that are alive and support a healthy biome & simplify your entire life.

Commit to holding healthy boundaries, by learning how to say No. With the technological age we will be exposed to even greater amounts of information. Detoxing from social media, your television and all other screens is a must. This includes certain people that are no longer a vibrational match to your growing desire to grow into the embodiment of Spirit.

Organize your life by doing what makes the most sense for your sanity and well-being. As there is far too much stimulation to keep us scattered and stressed.


There will be a continuum of social and cosmic events that are meant to stir you awake this year. Feel it, learn from it and let it move through you and teach you the lessons we are here to remember and bring into wholeness.


Meditation is not only about learning how to silence the monkey mind, it’s about using the intuitive mind to inquire into that which wants to be known, embraced and brought into neutrality with love and forgiveness. The deeper we inquire into the truth of our reality, the more our bodies unwind into peace and relaxation, learning to trust all that arises. And the more we relax, the deeper we allow ourselves to be ravished in Divine Love & Truth.


Unity is the vibration of love. It is a frequency and a vibration that is one with the earth and cosmos. Unity is a knowing that we are, each of us, an individual soul clothed in elements and star dust, and we are here for an individual experience that is one with everything seen and unseen, eternally unified in and of Love.

Blessings on your journey! I’m here to assist and guide you into your knowing, for we have everything we need within.


Kari Rivers

Spiritual Counselor & Depth Hypnosis Practitioner

Kari Rivers, Spiritual Counselor & Depth Hypnosis Practitioner

KAri Rivers

Spiritual Counselor & Depth Hypnosis Practitioner since 2011. I’m here to guide those who feel the call through 1:1 sessions, virtual group classes, heart activating ceremony and Rites of Passage.

Beautiful work. Kari is a gifted, nurturing, and sensitive practitioner, and her authentic curiosity and interest in my individual journey added depth and connection to our work together. She guided me to uncover personal truths, clarity, and the courage to act in a great time of transition and questioning. Such a gift.
— Jessica Tamayo | Malibu, CA
Kari Rivers

At Seeds of Satya you are guided into awakening your Truth and Magic through alchemical healing sessions, group workshops near Asheville North Carolina and at Sacred Earth Foundation near Denver, Colorado.

Our Birth In Unity, 2/22/22


Our Multidimensional Global Wounds