Seeds of Satya – Spiritual Awakening | Energy Healing | Alternative Healing with Kari Rivers

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Conspiracy Theories of the Soul

While many eyes roll at the numerous outlandish speculations being made that are labeled as conspiracy theories, these stories might not sound as crazy if we began a journey into understanding the conspiracies of our own soul, which directly corresponds to the fear, judgments, beliefs and stories we hold and experience in our daily life that relate throughout all aspects of our universal lineage of collective trauma.

Fear is the overarching emotion felt by so many people right now. It’s a calling to get closer to the part of us that wants to be known. It’s moments like this that force us to make changes, that require us to sit back and take a deep breath, and regain our power to unite into a grounded reality to create the world we know is possible.


Forty Years ago, Osho, a claimed guru and cult leader wrote:

That collective madness is due to each of our fragmentation of personal power. A worldwide epidemic of power loss.

You may ask, “What does fragmentation mean?”.

Fragmentation occurs when we perceive something to be hurtful, traumatizing and threatful.

A good example I use often is when I was 21 years old, I had a car accident where I hydroplaned into the back of a flatbed truck one stormy night. Five other cars hit me from behind. My car’s roof was peeled open like a can. Police told my parents, I had a guardian angel with me, and that I would have been decapitated if I had my seatbelt on. I spent a week in the hospital having a few minor surgeries on my knee and hand.

Years after, every time I drove during the rain, my sympathetic nervous system was turned on. My heart rate would rise, my breath became shallow and anxiety and nervous tension rose. From a Shamanic perspective a part of my power and energy was stored in the time and space where my accident happened. Once I reclaimed my energy, my life force that was lost during that experience, I no longer feared driving in the rain. My mind and body had to go back into that moment, to be fully present in the experience with awakened awareness to see that it was over, and that I did not die. That I was still conscious and alive. I had to learn the lessons of that experience and see it from the perspective of Soul & Spirit rather than the human egoic mind that ever since that accident had remained in a panic.

As for Osho, I have no idea what went on in his ashram, as there have been various claims, but I do know that those who were attracted to his power, were magnetized to him because they had to learn how to come into their power. For teachers, guru’s come in all kinds of packages. Our most powerful teachers, can be those who take advantage of our powerlessness, so that we can learn to finally say “enough is enough”, “this is not right”, so we rise up creating boundaries for ourselves and finally gather up our broken pieces.


This mass driven fear of COVID is stimulated by circumstances that trigger our fear of death, purposely activating old ancient stories from our collective memory that we never came to accept. A fear that persuades a social judgement of others, which becomes a mechanism of control and division. For it’s always been known by rulers that it’s easier to control a group of people when they are divided, stressed out, confused and fearful.

Jesus knew the simple yet profound powerful truth of “Do not Fear”. He knew that fear exist due to the division and fragmentation of one’s life force energy, lost in specific stories of time and space. He knew that to unify the life force was to “gather up all the broken pieces” to make oneself whole and power filled into our original essence.

This gathering is a process of shamanism, known as shadow work in mainstream psychology. The beauty of this life changing inquiry into your personal soul story is that you see humanities historical trauma tallied into eons of grievances. A record that has been carved into the mind field of all we have yet to forgive in yourself and other. These perceptions of loss and trauma, become realizations that all which is being shown is our unhealed ancestral wounding continues to play out again and again. All different story, but yet one in the same. Tales in which we felt great fear, distrust and loss.


This world wide chaos, is a beckoning for us all to untangle from within our ancestral karma, our collective trauma. A subconscious purging of historical wounding, generational fragmentation, being shown before our eyes. Conspiracy theory or not, the more you do shadow work, you understand the deception, the conspiracy stories of our soul. Traveling deeper into the story, nothing becomes too far fetched. You see that we are all seeing through our own personal lenses of experience. A very multidimensional story that reaches far beyond the earth into stories within other galaxies. Such experiences crack you open into a growing spaciousness for all story that curb sides the ego that wants to divide and judge.

With the ability to consciously understand the conspiracies of our soul, you come into greater witness of the play, a deep surrender and trust in the unfolding of chaos that serves to rebirth. This is the greater workings of Great Spirit- just another story where we each individually get to choose whether we want to remain passive in our individual healing or an active participant in a story of Forgiveness, Love, Wisdom, Courage & PEACE.


Deep Slow Breaths of Love to it all as the world Spiritually Awakens to our Truth that we are not separate but a multiplicity of ONE. May we unifty and stitch ourselves back together again, uniting and creating a powerful New Way of Balance.


Kari Rivers