Lick Your Old Wounds

Wow! I’ve received emails and reading post from friends all over the world. Mass fear. Grocery store shelves are emptying, meanwhile schools are closing everywhere. This pandemic is here to teach us, to restructure our lives to what is truly important, for we are a world out of balance. Creator is speaking, Mother nature is showing us how distorted our way of life is and that which we place importance on, no longer serves. We must take time to slow down and listen. To listen and lick these wounds that are begging to be known, so we can find a new way. A balanced way.

If you feel haunted, triggered, fearful of this Coronavirus outbreak, this is a huge healing opportunity for self and our ancestors. A chance to soften into stillness. A beautiful time to witness and be shown that we are not separated by borders, mountains, oceans, religion, skin color, sexuality, and politics. We are one with everything and everyone. Our pain and suffering are one, as well as our joy and triumphs. Even our fears and foundational desires are the same.


We spend so much time in our heads, thinking, imagining and fearing fear itself, with little capacity to be fully present with intense feelings, and truly in the moment when all is peaceful and stable. What we are really doing is leaning into the past which instills fear of the future.


Take time to feel into your body. Where are you storing fear, grief, shame, sadness, and etc...?

Inquire within. Feel into the heavy density.
If thoughts or stories come up, let them pass by.
Go back into the feeling.
Be in fully present in your body.
Sit with what is arising.
Don't shy away from it.

Watch how the sensations and heaviness transmute.

Continue to bring deeper states of awareness into body. Stay out of mind and in body.

Breathe love into all the shifting sensations, and watch your body and mind ascend into greater peace and transparency.

This is a very essential and powerful practice to implement every morning, night before bed, and through out day when you have time. And eventually you will find a growing awareness, that becomes a part of your every moment.


Years ago, a month after my best friend died, I came down with a horrible and unbearable painful viral infection. I had high fevers, and my entire throat was swollen shut. I could not speak a word. I sat with the pain and brought deep awareness and focus into the density in my throat that was connected to my heart and woven all throughout my body. A Sacred Symbol appeared within my mind, a story of sickness and dying came up that was attached to an emotion of deep grief. I felt into all. Then it would shift, and a bit of inflammation would melt away. Layer by Layer, sacred symbol after sacred symbol. Fully present with the suffering, my throat was open and pain free after 2 hours. Infection was fully healed.

We must slow down, listen and lick these old wounds.
Love into it ALL.
It is essential for the vast ocean we are apart of.

Sending rainbows and high vibes for health and wellbeing to you and yours.



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“Licking your wounds” is an innate process inherent within everyone, including you! It takes sinking into our imagination that guides us into our intuition. if this feels a bit abstract, no worries, I’m here to help guide you, and you will catch on quickly! I promise. Together we will ride the current and Spiritually Awaken the deep recesses of your being. I work remotely all over the world and in person in Asheville, NC and Denver CO using Depth Hypnosis, Meditation and Shamanic Nature Healing.

And Ladies, please check out my intimate and Annual spiritual healing adventure for mothers of hands, hearts and/or wombs, INTO THE WOMB: BIRTHING THE DIVINE & DANGEROUS MOTHER.

Kari Rivers

At Seeds of Satya you are guided into awakening your Truth and Magic through alchemical healing sessions, group workshops near Asheville North Carolina and at Sacred Earth Foundation near Denver, Colorado.

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